Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Season

"To everything there is a season, time for every purpose under heaven.." (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Every time I read that verse it always brings me back to all the different seasons that God has taken me in and taken me out of. I sometimes wonder if this is the season the Lord has me, or is it the season I have ME in? I made a promise to myself and to you, whoever you are reading my blogs that I will keep it simple, real, and honest. Maybe this is why it takes me a while to actually "publish" my blogs, because I go over them, and think who on earth would want to read this mess? However, this simple blog, is something that I look forward to and enjoy to write, and I like sharing my thoughts and my ideas about My Jesus. About His Love. To answer my own question, I do believe that this is the season the Lord has me. To sit more and more at His feet. To learn more about Him. To share more about Him. To fall more in love with Him. To come back to My first Love.
When my back when out last week, I was miserable! Boy was I hurting. But, that ugly time has gotten me closer to my Jesus. My hours at work, aren't that much right now, (thank you Lord for that!) and yes I have to take some summer school classes to make up the ones I had to drop, and yes I know I will probably be in the only the 40 year old lady in my classes, but hey at least, I'm not giving up! ( I don't think I would look like I'm 40 when it good genes) and I still haven't called my best friend since 4th grade to tell her I love her and I miss her and that I think about her and her family everyday. But God is working on that. (we do text here and there) And that I am back on the weight watcher wagon and this time, not gonna drop it. (already lost 5 pounds this wk!!) and yes, today I laughed until I cried, danced like Beyonce and finally sat at the feet of my Jesus once more. Thank you for taking this little journey with me, once again. Sorry I have been absent for a while, but I am BACK!!!
Love and blessings to each of you =)


  1. welcome back!!! I am singing the lovesong song.. hahaha praying that you are successful with your weight loss girl. Let Jesus help you, and He will.. Truly surrender yourself in this area and drink ALOT of water.. give up the diet.. I know its hard but I bet if you do you will see the weight fall off...

    It was the hardest thing to do but when I did it was much easier. Praying for you.. love you!

  2. thanks sis! I need to hear words like that. love u girl.
